ImgView Utility - Copyright (c) 1996 - Abri Technologies, Inc. ====================================================== INTRODUCTION: ============= ImgView is a Image file viewer capable of displaying JPG/PCX/GIF/BMP/TIF/ICO/PNG/SCM/WMF image file formats. The main advantage of ImgView is that it can be parameter driven from your own application. ImgView is an inexpensive solution to displaying various image formats in FoxPro/Win applications and possibly other app types. If this is a demo copy you can either start ImgView.exe from program manager or run the FoxPro/Win2.6 and to see how ImgView can be controlled from a FoxPro app. The foxpro demos are compiled in FPW2.6 but registered ImgView will have required Foxpro source code usable from VFP. NOTICE: GIF and TIF files use compression methods patented by Unisys corporation. A license is required from Unisys corporation, except for personal or BBS use. ImgView.exe USAGE: ================== ImgView.exe called by itself: (from window manager, etc.) will display a file Open dialog for image files. After getting a suitable image file it will display the image in a window. ImgView.exe with parameters: ImgView.exe ImgFilePath ScreenPos ImgSize ImgTitle Parameters: 1 ImgFilepath: pathname, must have bmp,jpg,cpx..., extension IF no other parameters: photo is centered, full size, dialog frame with button 2 ImgPos: C for centered or TOP_LEFT if wrt 0,0 or TOP/LEFT if wrt centre of screen IF no other parameters: photo is full size, no frame 3 ImgSize: HEIGHT_WIDTH or A for auto sized to full bitmap size IF no other parameters: no frame 4 ImgTitle: Image is displayed in a dialog frame with button Examples: ImgView.exe custmr03.jpg 0_0 A displays image custmr03.jpg in current directory with top left corner at top left screen position and full size of the image. ImgView.exe c:/photos/photo23.pcx C 200_400 "My Photo" displays the c:/photos/photo23.pcx image in a dialog centered on the screen, limited to 200 height and 400 pixel width, with title "My Photo" and and an button at bottom of screen. ImgView.exe photo3.gif -20/-90 displays the image photo3.gif in current directory with top left corner 20 pixels left from screen centre and 90 pixels up from screen centre. The image is shown full size. FoxPro source code for demo1 and demo2 apps is included with registered copy. FoxPro Usage Notes: =================== GetImg() and CloseImg() foxpro function source code is included with registered copy. GetImg(ImgFilePath, ScreenPos, ImgSize, ImgTitle) All parameters are in string form. ImgFilePath is required. Other parameters are optional. Example: =GetImg("Photo7.pcx") CloseImg(ImgTitle) ImgTitle parameter is not required if the image is frameless - it is set to "ImgView" if it is not specified. You cannot have null title. Examples: =CloseImg(), =CloseImg("My Photo") If you are displaying frameless images you should use CloseImg() when exiting your app dialog or window, otherwise the image will stay where it is. Required files: =============== Required files are IMGVIEW.EXE, SKY16V3C.DLL - and FOXTOOLS.DLL for FoxPro/WIN/VFPwin applications. Except for demo use, SKY16V3C.DLL should be in the current directory or in WINDOWS search path - prefererably in WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. For FoxPro/Win/VFP you need a copy of foxtools.fll with library already set to it, or a copy in same directory where foxpro .exe started. GetImg() uses Foxtools.fll to find the main FoxPro window Hwnd handle which is passed on to ImgView.exe through temporary file imgview1.hwn. The handle is used to reset focus to Foxpro windows. ImgView can also get this info via windows clipboard - see GetImg function doc (registered copy) for doing this. CloseImg() uses Foxtools.fll to send a close-window message to ImgView.exe. If an ImgTitle is used in GetImg(), exactly the same ImgTitle must be used in CloseImg function. The utility CloseImg.exe is also included with registered copy and can be used as an alternative to CloseImg() - i.e. "RUN /N CloseImg.exe" if ImgTitle is not used and "RUN /N CloseImg.exe ImgTitle" if it is used. If you are not using ImgView from FoxPro you may need to omit the "RUN /N" part. Example for the second type: "RUN /N CloseImg.exe My Photo". DISPLAY MODES: ============== 1. Displays the image in ImgView window with an button 2. Displays a frameless topmost image on the screen at any desired position. This is useful for simulating an image painted on your own application screen. Problems with this case are a) the image is static - does not move with your window b) the image stays on the main screen position when you switch window apps. Recommend: Construct your app dialogs/windows (having the image) so that they are non movable and do not switch from your app to another window app. as long as the image is showing. ImgView should work OK even when you switch screen resolution. For application windows that are not centered use the TOP_LEFT position spec. and for centered screen apps use the TOP/LEFT (relative to centre) position specs. ImgView Vers.1.0 License Agreement and Disclaimer ============================================================================= SINGLE USER LICENSE: Registration of the single license entitles the original purchaser, to use it on a single computer by a single user for each copy purchased. DISTRIBUTABLE ROYALTY FREE LICENSE: Registration of entitles you, the original purchaser, to royalty free distribution of ImgView.exe with your own legitimate application (.APP or .EXE), as long as your application was generated on single CPU by same programmer/developer and ImgView is used only within your own application. You cannot have any intention of distributing copies of ImgView.exe for free or for gain of any type. SITE LICENSES: Available per user (single user license) or per developer (royalty free license). DISCLAIMER: This software is supplied as is without warranty of any kind. Abri Technologies, Inc. disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. Abri Technologies assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this software. ImgView Order Form / Information: ================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date:_________________ Quan Item _US funds_ Price ___ Single/Personal User License $ 25 each $_________ ___ Royalty free license $ 50 each $_________ ================== Site Licenses ==================================== ___ Add 50% of price per user for single user license $_________ or per developer for royalty free license Shipping/handling $ 3.00 Outside of N. America add $1 $_________ TOTAL $_________ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Send by: [ ] CompuServe ___________________________________________ [ ] Internet (mime E-Mail)________________________________ [ ] DownLoad from Abri Technology Host (phone first) [ ] Mail - Disk media: 5.25" [ ] 3.5" [ ] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Address: (where to send invoice/receipt) Name_______________________________________________________ Company_______________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Phone ________________________ (in case of shipping problems) If payment by: VISA[ ] MasterCard[ ] AmericanExpress [ ] CardNumber____________________________ ExpDate______ NameOnCard____________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please fill out the above order form and/or mail/E-Mail/Phone with payment to: Abri Technologies, Inc., HC 62 Box 100K, Great Cacapon, WV 25422 USA Phone: (304) 947-7129. E-Mail: or NOTICE: No refunds after software has been shipped.